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We have reviewed our Anti-Bullying policy in consultation with staff, pupils and parents. This is a summary of what of what you should expect from us as a result.

We will regularly promote a programme of learning across all classes which focuses on positive relationships, friendship, respect and resilience.

If your child experiences bullying behaviour at Rockfield Primary, we will:

  • Listen carefully to your child’s concerns
  • Investigate the indent(s) thoroughly, to determine the facts at the earliest opportunity.

If bullying behaviour is indicated, we will:

  • Assure your child that we will keep them safe and make sure they have a key adult to talk to.
  • Offer on-going support for your child for as long as is required.
  • Use agreed restorative approaches in discussion with the child displaying bullying behaviour to highlight impact of their actions and work with the child to resolve the issue.
  • Inform the parent/ carer of the incident and ask for their help in reinforcing anti-bullying messages.
  • Inform class teachers and support staff so that additional supervision and monitoring can take place,
  • Record the incident and actions taken as part of our electronic recording system. We can only record incidents of bullying where based on clear evidence.
  • Review the effectiveness of the action taken, with your child after a week, a month, or longer, to ensure that they are no longer experiencing bullying behaviour,

If your child is involved in displaying bullying behaviour we will

  • Inform you at the earliest opportunity so that we can work together to address the issue.
  • Discuss with your child the intent and impact of their actions through restorative practice approaches
  • Encourage them to take steps to repair damage to relationships
  • If necessary, provide a sanction, which may include loss of break or privilege.